Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Writing Lots of Book Reviews for Article Marketing Results

It is a well known fact that Book Review articles on online article submission sites seem to get more traffic then you might imagine. Therefore it makes sense to write a lot of book reviews. Obviously you own lots of books, but how many book reviews have you actually written? You need to take an inventory of the books that you have already read and make some book reviews of them.

One recommendation I have is to go through your library, office and house and make a list of all the books you have. This is good too incase of a disaster. You can download a Template free from Microsoft. Go to MSN and search "Microsoft Office Templates" then search "Book Lists.

And print it in the size you wish and then start this project. Then take a yellow highlighter and mark the book reviews you wish to do first. Start a word file and put those titles and the authors at the top of the Word Files, one for each;

Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky; Book Review from You

By putting your name after it you insure that there will not be a duplicate title here. Or you can put a catchy 3-word phrase after it too.

Next please make five sentences that summarize what you most got out of the book. Space the sentences out with three spaces. Then go to the next book and do this until you are done with all those highlighted on your list.

Then put a paragraph between each of those sub-titles and an intro-paragraph about the author or a general reason why this book was important to your life, business, writing, family, career or whatever.

I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington


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