Sunday, April 27, 2008

Article Marketing Mistake #3 - Failure to Have a System for Marketing Your Articles

On of the biggest article marketing mistakes I see article writers make is not having a system for marketing their articles.

Most article marketers just write a few articles, throw them up on an article directory that theyve heard about, and thats it.

You need to have a system and you need to have a plan. Im going to give you one of those in a minute. You can use that one or you can use other ones, ones you create or other ones you find. Just use one.

The power of the word SYSTEM

Write down the word SYSTEM in vertical order on a sheet of paper.


S.Y.S.T.E.M. stands for Save Yourself Time, Energy, and Money. Thats the power of a system. A system saves you time, energy and money.

An example of a marketing system is my three tier approach to submitting your articles. The first tier is submitting your new articles to EzineArticles, the highest ranked article directory.

The second tier is submitting your new articles to the next highest ranked article directories.

The third tier is submitting your new articles to niche article directories. A niche article directory is an article directory that accepts only articles in your niche. If you do not know of specific article directories in your niche, you can just go to Google or Yahoo and type in the key words for your niche followed by the words "article directory" and you will get a list of the article directories in your niche.

And now I would like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates. You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy &

Article Marketing - Discover the Magic

Writing articles is, in my opinion, one of the greatest ways to advertise a product or website. There is not a better cost effective way to bring highly targeted traffic to your business

1.) Its Free

Here is a cost analysis of advertising mediums.

Television Infomercial: $75,000 to $1 Million Dollars.

Full page black and white newspaper advertisement

Nationwide Newspapers: $165,000 (Wall Street Journal, USA Today, etc) Metropolitan Newspapers: $100,000 (NY Times, Washington Post) Small Town Newspapers: At least $1000

Radio Advertising: $50 to $750 or more depending on which days and how many times your ad will run in a specified period.

Article Marketing: ZERO Dollars. Reach hundreds of thousands of possible readers each day all that is required is an investment of your time.

2.) You do not have to be a college English professor or have a degree in journalism to write high quality, informative articles.

3.) In a short time your articles can establish you as an expert in your field. Your name may become a valuable resource to webmasters and publishers who are looking for fresh new content.

4.) Article writing is an easy way to get quality backlinks to your website. There are 500+ article directories on the internet and the number is growing daily. There is no faster way to get your article and your website into the top 10 on the search engines.

5.) You do not have to worry about SPAM laws and filters. If you are running your own ezine I am sure you have heard some of the horror stories about publishers being dumped by their hosts because of SPAM complaints. Readers come to view your articles. You are not sending them email which may be blocked for any number of reasons.

6.) The longevity of your articles will bring you business far into the future. Your articles will remain on the article directories and may be used by a publisher years into the future allowing you to generate life-long traffic.

If article marketing is not an advertising strategy that you are using, have you asked yourself why it isnt?

Lee Ruleman is an article marketing professional specializing in assisting others in achieving their goals in the internet business marketplace. To get Lee's brand new product A Complete Internet Business in an Easy Open Can! please visit