Sunday, May 4, 2008

Getting Started With The Bum Marketing Method

The Bum Marketing Method was created by Travis Sago, who explains that he can literally pick up a Bum off of the streets and show him how to make money online with little effort. Is it the real deal?

In a simple answer: Yes, it is the real deal.

Bum Marketing takes more than a little effort, it takes quite a bit of effort and it takes a little knowledge in Writing Articles and Search Engine Optimization. In the shortest Bum Marketing Tutorial ever, I'm going to attempt to break down this process for you, so that you can better understand "BMM".

Bum Marketing is very similar to Article Marketing, in which you need to write articles (duh!) and submit them to places such as based on a set of Keywords with little competition. Take, for example, "Blue Widgets". Let's say that we joined an Affiliate Program for Blue Widgets and we want to promote this product.

If you were to type "Blue Widgets" (with quotes around the term) into Google - you would see the number of results given back. These numbers (results) are actually "competition". These are your competitors that you need to beat. When I say "beat", I'm talking about getting to the top of the results for this keyword (Blue Widgets).

You want to get the top results so that when a user searches for the term Blue Widgets, they visit YOUR website. Once they visit your website/blog/article - there is a good chance that they will follow the link you want them to follow (ie, Affiliate Link to make the purchase) to get the results you're looking for.

For Keyword research, we can use a free tool such as the Google Keyword Tool, or even a paid tool such as NicheBot

OK, so we've got the gist of it all, right? Alright, let's continue.

So here's the plan:

1) Find a product you want to promote (Green Widgets)

2) Find a search term you want users to type into the search engines (keyword research - NicheBot?) ... let's say it's "Green Widget Review".

3) Create an Article based on the term "Green Widget Review" (honest review is what really works!)

4) Use the term "Green Widget Review" as the Title of the Article -- and then use it somewhere near the top of the Article, but use it for readers - don't make it look and feel spammy

5) Make the Article at least 500 Words Minimum and try to include some other Keywords that are related to the Product for extra searches. (Blue Widgets, Red Widgets, etc)

6) Submit the Article - but be sure to include a link to your Website/Landing Page/Blog at the bottom of the article in the Author SIG - Resource box.

7) Be sure that your landing page is ready for these articles. Have more information related to the product, a better review, a purchase page, etc.

8) You can also just link straight to the Merchants page if you use a site like

9) Rinse and repeat, but use a totally different article for another Article Directory)

Sites such as and are also great resources to build review or comparison sites or even Informational sites for the Affiliate product. These sites, including, get a ton of traffic - but they also get GREAT Search Engine Results!

I hope you've learned a little about Bum Marketing, and I hope you continue your Learning experience on the subject!

Learn more about Bum Marketing and Affiliate Marketing

Looking to get started with Affiliate Marketing? Want to see what it takes to become a successful Affiliate Marketer? Check out my blog: Affiliate Marketing For Newbies

Amazing Article Marketing - Latest 5 Rewarding Methods to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is getting so much attention these days. Webmasters from all over the globe agree that this is one of the most reliable traffic-generating techniques that does not only bring steady traffic, but more importantly, it pulls up a website's search engine ranking. In addition, this technique is widely used by webmasters who would like to show their expertise to their target market.

If you are a new webmaster who would like to get the benefits mentioned above, these latest 5 rewarding methods can definitely help you out:

1. Post your picture and your author's bio on major publishing sites. If you are aiming at establishing personal relationship with your potential clients, this is one effective way to get you started. Post some information that will convince your readers that you are an expert on your field. Do not forget to post your recent picture so they can associate the personal information with a face.

2. Widely distribute your articles. Do not limit yourself to publishing sites; you can also submit your articles to blogs, websites, and ezine. This is the best way to syndicate your articles and give them maximum exposure.

3. Write quality articles. Remember, the success of your article marketing campaign relies heavily on the quality of your articles. As such, it is important to proofread your articles to make sure they are easy to understand, useful, concise, and informative before you submit them to publishing sites.

4. Write more. To get more quality inbound links to your website, write and submit as many articles as you can. Just make sure that all articles are related to the product or service that you promote so you can easily drive visitors to your website to check what you offer.

5. Pick the best publishing sites. In submitting your articles, it is important to consider the page ranking of the submission sites. If they are not even indexed by Google, take them out from your list. They cannot in anyway help you generate traffic to your website.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - A Secret That Gets a Few Disproportionately Large Amounts of Targeted Traffic

Don't we all wish we could fall out of an apple truck and get rich? My personal favorite is finding the magic pill. This new software or this next program and *bam* I am going to be skating down easy street. And don't you love the word *secret*? When they tell you this little known secret, you will be in the big time.

Well it turns out in article marketing there is a little known secret, but I like to call it the dirty little secret, because it actually works in accordance with a universal principal. You reap what you sow, is the principle. You see, only 14% of authors on one major directory ever write more than 10 articles.

Now that might actually work if you create a new language that uses the English alphabet or if you were writing about a niche that has not yet been found by anyone. But for the rest of us, we need to write more articles.

According to one major directory, you are not even in the game until you have written 100 articles. They go on to say that you have to get to the 250 mark to start to see critical mass. Why is this a secret? Well, it's not really, but it sure seems like one since so few people seem to be doing it.

This is why I call it my dirty little secret. Most programs out there are still trying to sell the majority of us on some magic pill. They are afraid that if they told most of us the truth, we wouldn't get caught up in the hype, and their sales would suffer. The truth is if you start working hard, you begin to see the magic. Reminds me of a saying my stepfather use to say all the time, *The harder I work, the luckier I get.*

I will say that article marketing is a sound strategy, and if you really want to drive larger amounts of targeted traffic to your website, blog or to subscribe to your ezine, you will want to get excited about writing articles and getting them published in the article directories on the Internet.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Article Marketing - I'll Tell You My Fears if You Tell Me Yours

Here are some common fears, misconceptions and hesitations that I myself experienced when I first began writing articles for the web. Do you know what carrying around such fear accomplishes?


Your fear and self-doubt prevents you from submitting web articles that serve as global marketing for your website, ebook, ezine, blog... and any other place where you market your unique product and services! And that stops your business from booming like it can so easily out here on the web.

Some of the below fears took me as long as JUST LAST WEEK to expel from my brain! (Okay - maybe last month).

Dina's Article Fear 1: My article must not have any typos, ever!

Dina's Article Fear 2: No one will notice my articles in such a congested (popular) category as mine.

Dina's Article Fear 3: I can't write an article that's under 800 words.

Dina's Article Fear 4: I can't write articles as fast as I need to keep up with the volume needed on the web.

Dina's Article Fear 5: I will attract "lower food chain" clients if I write articles that are short and simple.

One noteworthy point about my past article fears:

Ultimately, my fears never stopped me from writing articles. Hence, I was able to blow past all of them and move closer toward my article marketing goals.

I took my articles to the next level by following along with what Chris and the team had to offer in the way of article direction, support and motivation. YOU CAN, TOO. And if you want to grow a business on the web - this information is crucial.

So, now it's your turn. What stops you from writing articles? How can I help you overcome your obstacles? Let's conquer those fears together. After all, the only thing that's *really* stopping us is... US.

Copyright 2006 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.

Liked this article? Have more of the same emailed to your inbox each month. Sign up for the Copywriting and Marketing Ezine from Dina at and learn to write search engine friendly web copy and market your web based business for free.

Profitable Article Marketing - Announcing 4 Profitable Ways to Amplify Your Article Marketing

Promoting your products and services using paid advertisement can be costly. For instance, you must shell out thousands of dollars if you opt to use PPC advertising and banner ads. What happens if you don't have the money to cover for your advertising cost? The answer to this is simple. Look for an effective and free marketing tool. For that, I highly recommend article marketing.

Here are the 4 profitable ways to amplify your article marketing:

1. Promote your products. No, you can't pitch in your products in your article body but you can still market them through your content in a subtle way. You can do so by writing topics that are closely related to your offerings. By doing so, you can create a need for your products that will potentially compel online users to make a purchase. For instance, if you are selling car insurance, talk about how many cars are being stolen every year and how your products can give your potential clients peace of mind.

2. Follow the rules set by publishing sites to increase the chances of your articles being posted online. Some of the rules are the following: your articles must run at least 300 words, they must be well-written, keyword-rich, and targeted to the needs of your readers. They must also be free from inappropriate content, hyperlinks, and blatant advertisements.

3. Widely distribute your articles. Don't be contented by article submissions sites. To augment your inbound links, post your articles to directories, related blogs, social bookmarking sites, forums, and on your own website.

4. Make your articles search engine-friendly. Identify the most searched keywords on your chosen niche and sprinkle them all through out your content to make your articles highly searchable online.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing And List Building For Success

Out of all the ways to build an opt in list of subscribers, article marketing has to be one of the best. Why is it the best? Actually there are many reasons why article marketing is great for list building. Some of them are:

1 - writing articles doesn't cost you any money. However it does cost you time.

But the good thing is, once you start writing article, you can crank out 10 or more per day. The more articles you write, the more traffic and subscribers you receive.

2 - article marketing builds a very responsive list of subscribers who have already shown interest in your niche.

By taking the time to read your article, click to your web site, enter their name and email address, these people will be more responsive to your offers and emails.

As long as your give them useful information mixed in with great products, your profits will soar.

3 - articles product a sense of trust in the reader. After reading an original article that you've written, it's as though you have personally sat down with the reader and talked with them one on one.

Building trust is a key element in your list building efforts.

If your subscribers do not trust you, they simply will not respond to you or purchase from you.

That is why your articles must be written as if you were simply talking to a friend about your topic. Just like the article you are reading right now.

Don't forget to download my free ebook that'll show how to quickly build a responsive opt in list.

"Learn How To Quickly And Easily Build An Opt In List Of Hyper Responsive Subscribers Who Are Willing To Spend Money With You Right Now!"