Friday, May 2, 2008

Article Marketing - The 3 Most Common Mistakes Made When Marketing Your Articles

Article marketing works when you work it right. Unfortunately, many article marketers do not work it right.

In my experience of coaching hundreds of article writers and marketers, I have noticed at least three common and typical mistakes made by both new and experienced article marketers.

Let's take a closer look at each of these three common mistakes and then look at what to do instead.

Mistake #1 - Not understanding marketing - Many people do not understand marketing because the concept frightens them. Think of it this way - marketing is simply letting other people know what you do. Therefore, in article marketing, marketing is simply getting your articles in front of as many people as possible.

Mistake #2 - Using only article directories - I love article directories. They are not the only way to market your articles however. The ways to market your articles are limited only by your imagination and creativity. Here is my definition of creativity - "Creativity is simply looking at something that has always been there and seeing something that has not been seen before." Ask yourself - "In how many different ways can your ideal client consume the information in your article?"

Mistake #3 - Not having a consistent plan or system to market your articles - Most article marketers treat article marketing like any other form of marketing - they wait until things are getting bad, and then in desperation pull something off the marketing menu and throw some money ad effort at it and hope something will work. I call this "marketing a la carte." When you use a consistent plan or system, you do not have to hope something will work, you know it will work.

Avoid these mistakes and use these tips to ramp up your article marketing.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? You can get free access to an audio teleseminar and study guide of "How to Write 1 Great Article in Less than 30 Minutes and 8 Great Articles in 1 Day."

Download it free here:

Do you want to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

You can also check out my list of 25+ ways to market your articles at

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

Article Marketing And List Building For Success

Out of all the ways to build an opt in list of subscribers, article marketing has to be one of the best. Why is it the best? Actually there are many reasons why article marketing is great for list building. Some of them are:

1 - writing articles doesn't cost you any money. However it does cost you time.

But the good thing is, once you start writing article, you can crank out 10 or more per day. The more articles you write, the more traffic and subscribers you receive.

2 - article marketing builds a very responsive list of subscribers who have already shown interest in your niche.

By taking the time to read your article, click to your web site, enter their name and email address, these people will be more responsive to your offers and emails.

As long as your give them useful information mixed in with great products, your profits will soar.

3 - articles product a sense of trust in the reader. After reading an original article that you've written, it's as though you have personally sat down with the reader and talked with them one on one.

Building trust is a key element in your list building efforts.

If your subscribers do not trust you, they simply will not respond to you or purchase from you.

That is why your articles must be written as if you were simply talking to a friend about your topic. Just like the article you are reading right now.

Don't forget to download my free ebook that'll show how to quickly build a responsive opt in list.

"Learn How To Quickly And Easily Build An Opt In List Of Hyper Responsive Subscribers Who Are Willing To Spend Money With You Right Now!"

Article Marketing - How Stay-at-Home Moms Are getting Better Results By Improving Their Aim

For the moms that are trying to make money at home on the Internet, I think there is one point that cannot be stressed enough in article marketing. I know this will not be one of those articles that gets 50 views in the first couple of weeks, but I think that this is an important enough point that for those of you that take the time to read it, you will be better off for it.

The tendency is to consider everyone as a potential prospect for your product, service or business opportunity. I want to give you mothers that are either staying home trying to earn some money part time, or for those mothers that are trying to get something started so you don't have to keep working outside the home, some information that will have a surprisingly large impact on your marketing.

Simply stated, the more focused you can make your copy, articles and content; the more likely you will be to get the desired results. Let's look at it from your own perspective. If you were to look up all the articles in this directory on article marketing, you would have to decide between thousands of them. So, ask yourself, how would you decide which ones to read first?

The process that you would use is probably similar to the one most people would use. You would start to scroll down through the articles until one of the titles or descriptions struck a personal note with you or caught your eye. Can you think of anything that would catch your eye more than if your name was in the title?

Yes, that is a little extreme, but what if the title said,

*5 Things that Make Article Marketing Easier for Stay-at-Home Moms.

* If you were trying to determine whether or not article marketing was appropriate for you as a stay-at-home mom, you would probably pick this one over one that just said,

*5 Reasons Article Marketing is effective.

* Look at these in a list, and see which one stands out to you.

Top 5 Article Marketing Mistakes

5 Easy Article Marketing Tips

5 Red Hot Strategies to Boost Your Articles Success!

5 Things that Make Article Marketing Easier for Stay at Home Mom's

5 Reasons Article Marketing is effective

I think you can see which one would probably stand out more to the stay-at-home mom. The truth is that you may check it out even if one of the other titles better addresses what you are looking for just because it address you so specifically. The other side of that is even if you are not a stay-at-home mom, you would still read that article if you were interested in finding ways to make article marketing easier to do.

Even when you write to a very specific target audience, you not only get that audience, but you get the spillover. But if you are not specific, then you only get the spillover, because nothing makes you stand out enough to get any specific attention.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Article Marketing - Using Bullet Points and Paragraphs

Readers don't like to read long paragraphs. Readers hate articles that are just one long paragraph. Why? Because in order to get information out of that article, they have to read the whole thing. Writing articles in one long paragraphs will not only make your readers angry, but your article will not do very good in it's market. It's true.

Adding bullet points and paragraphs are the best ways to write an article. This way, viewers can just skip through certain parts of your article and read the major parts. The faster you can give your reader information, the more of a chance that you'll have of them actually clicking on your URL link.

So here are some reasons why bullet points and paragraphs will get you more URL links and why.

  • Bullet points help your readers to get information quickly. Whenever a reader reads your article, they are reading it because they want an answer to something. Provide them with your answer fast! The faster you can provide them with an answer, the more of a chance they will click on your link.

  • Breaking up your article into paragraphs and bulelt points makes your article look more professional and trustworthy. Having paragraphs and bullets instead of having just one long paragraph can make your reader think that you have valuable information.

  • Breaking up your article will increase your article writing time. Instead of going back to your long paragraph trying to look for a sentence to rewrite, writing a paragraph or a bullet helps you identify where you put your sentences in. This will increase your writing time vastly!

Bullet points and paragraphs are great ways to make your article more valuable and time efficient to your readers. No reader wants to read a long paragraph, and they shouldn't! Break up your articles into small fragments, and your URL clicks will increase!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Article Marketing - The 3 Most Common Mistakes Made When Marketing Your Articles

Article marketing works when you work it right. Unfortunately, many article marketers do not work it right.

In my experience of coaching hundreds of article writers and marketers, I have noticed at least three common and typical mistakes made by both new and experienced article marketers.

Let's take a closer look at each of these three common mistakes and then look at what to do instead.

Mistake #1 - Not understanding marketing - Many people do not understand marketing because the concept frightens them. Think of it this way - marketing is simply letting other people know what you do. Therefore, in article marketing, marketing is simply getting your articles in front of as many people as possible.

Mistake #2 - Using only article directories - I love article directories. They are not the only way to market your articles however. The ways to market your articles are limited only by your imagination and creativity. Here is my definition of creativity - "Creativity is simply looking at something that has always been there and seeing something that has not been seen before." Ask yourself - "In how many different ways can your ideal client consume the information in your article?"

Mistake #3 - Not having a consistent plan or system to market your articles - Most article marketers treat article marketing like any other form of marketing - they wait until things are getting bad, and then in desperation pull something off the marketing menu and throw some money ad effort at it and hope something will work. I call this "marketing a la carte." When you use a consistent plan or system, you do not have to hope something will work, you know it will work.

Avoid these mistakes and use these tips to ramp up your article marketing.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? You can get free access to an audio teleseminar and study guide of "How to Write 1 Great Article in Less than 30 Minutes and 8 Great Articles in 1 Day."

Download it free here:

Do you want to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

You can also check out my list of 25+ ways to market your articles at

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

Article Marketing And List Building For Success

Out of all the ways to build an opt in list of subscribers, article marketing has to be one of the best. Why is it the best? Actually there are many reasons why article marketing is great for list building. Some of them are:

1 - writing articles doesn't cost you any money. However it does cost you time.

But the good thing is, once you start writing article, you can crank out 10 or more per day. The more articles you write, the more traffic and subscribers you receive.

2 - article marketing builds a very responsive list of subscribers who have already shown interest in your niche.

By taking the time to read your article, click to your web site, enter their name and email address, these people will be more responsive to your offers and emails.

As long as your give them useful information mixed in with great products, your profits will soar.

3 - articles product a sense of trust in the reader. After reading an original article that you've written, it's as though you have personally sat down with the reader and talked with them one on one.

Building trust is a key element in your list building efforts.

If your subscribers do not trust you, they simply will not respond to you or purchase from you.

That is why your articles must be written as if you were simply talking to a friend about your topic. Just like the article you are reading right now.

Don't forget to download my free ebook that'll show how to quickly build a responsive opt in list.

"Learn How To Quickly And Easily Build An Opt In List Of Hyper Responsive Subscribers Who Are Willing To Spend Money With You Right Now!"

Article Marketing - Re-purpose Your Articles in Your Blog and Build "Article Intrigue"

Article marketing is simply getting your information Really Make Money Online front Blogcatalog Stat?id=3uw12mu1sfw&offerid=7097 many eyes as possible Usfreeads Making Money Online Without A Website as many consumable forms as possible.

One of B274js0ys Fihpngmofhglikgph best and easiest ways 1q98r09608orqywpvxoqpsxxvtr do this is to re-purpose your articles in your blog.

The only real challenge is that at 300 to 500 words most articles are too long for your average blog post.So here aretwo ways to create several blog Google out of one article and build a little "article intrigue" while your are at it.

1. Split your article into three 4uwebcash The Place To Fing A Home Base Business blog posts over an Click?id=3uw12mu1sfw&offerid=102327 of three days or longer. This is especially simple if you have made 3 major points in your article. It About Go done with any article though. In the first post use about a third of your article. 2 the end of the post, tell the reader a bit about what to expect in the next blog post. And so on.

2. Another great way to do this is to use the "read more" function on your blog. The read more icon on Feed Press blogs looks Adlandpro Community a sheet of paper cut in half. This is essentially what you are doing. At some point in your article place the read more Autopiot Profits and your article stops there, creating a small post. When the reader clicks on the "read more" link they are taken to a new page and the rest of the article.

Bonus tip: To build in a little "article intrigue" place the read more link in the middle of a thought such as "something works really well for me is" and then place the read more link right there.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

How To Write A Squidoo Lens

"Can I make money online successfully?" is the question in many Blogging mind when they venture in Internet Marketing. The obvious answer is Yes. But thanks Internet Marketing scamsters Guide To Making Money fake Gurus, Online Marketing Services and more people are skeptical of success.

If you are a beginner in Internet Marketing, you should start out Can I Make Money Online Bum Marketing. The advantage of Bum Marketing is that you do not require any investment and it is risk free. Bum Marketing is a proved technique used by thousands of Internet Marketers and you should also take advantage of it.

Apart from writing and submitting articles to an ezine like goarticles that generates free traffic to Article Marketing Is The Best Content Based Marketing Solution On The Internet Today website and help your articles get quickly ranked in Google. You should also look at Squidoo. Best Way To Make Money Online is another favorite website of Google and you will be surprised how quickly your article Online Marketing Blog Squidoo gets to the top pages of Google.

Articles Marketing Squidoo are called lens. Building a Squidoo lens is not at all difficult and it is pretty intuitive. Follow the steps below to set up your Squidoo lens.

Go to and click on 'Sign Article Marketing Is The Best Content Based Marketing Solution On The Internet Today to create your account.

Step 1: What is your lens about? where you enter the topic on which you plan to write.

Step 2: What do you Internet Marketing Sales to do with your lens? You could either go for the easiest option or select 'I just want to do my own thing.'

Step 3: Title and url: Type the relevant url related to your topic and select the category under which your topic falls under.

Creating a lens

You create your lens by compiling 'modules'. Make sure that you use a healthy number of Text/Write modules. Don't pile up a lot of information in one Text/Write Module. Break them into a number of Text/Write modules so that it is easier for the reader to scan and read sections they are interested in.

Insert pictures, banners and youtube videos wherever relevant to catch the reader's attention.

At the end add the RSS feed to your module so that the Google Search engines come over and over again to your lens as they have to update the content that comes Business Home Internet Marketing Opportunity with the RSS feed.

Plan on writing at least one Squidoo lens everyday. Bum Marketing is a very powerful technique and it certainly works. All you have to do is consistently dedicate time for article marketing and churn out articles consistently to give yourself the best chance to succeed.

Squidoo is an important part of Article Marketing to generate free traffic to your website. To know more tips on how to generate traffic to your website and learn other Internet Marketing techniques, click here.

For more tips and tutorials, go here to grab 5 Killer Online Marketing E Marketing that contains great tips to make money money online.

Sri is an independent reviewer of the Top Internet Marketing Programs. Learn more about Affiliate Marketing at Internet Money Marketing.