Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Article Marketing - Get Started With Article Marketing

Online businesses are the buzz word in todays world, with the widespread of business on the internet; newer ways of promotion and marketing are also being devised everyday. In order to attract customers and also to keep the existing ones interested, innovative and creative marketing tools have become mandatory.

Article marketing is one such tool and is a very appropriate way of promoting your online business. It is a means of creating awareness amongst your target audience about the services you offer. Article marketing provides yet another successful tool to promote your business in the extremely intense competition of the online word. Always make sure to develop articles which are relevant and compelling.

Try to capture the attention of the audience by first highlighting the idea and giving a general introduction, after that slowly mould you details towards the point of focus, and narrowing down to the central idea.

The most effective way of article marketing is to use keywords which have the highest chances of appearing in popular searches. For this, you will have to keep your knowledge up to date of the most popular keywords being used. The higher the rate of popular keywords in your articles, the greater the chances of them to be viewed and in return bringing more traffic to your website.

Try to maintain the quality of the articles, as much as quantity may give you results, quality a helps in keeping them, always keep in mind that a below quality article can create a bad impression about your business and thus, may not prove to be profitable for your business. Always present your ideas in a creative manner, give the readers something fresh to read, so that their interest can be captured.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic like I do? Download my free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation

Amazing Article Marketing - Revealed - 6 Efficient Secrets to Make Money Through Article Marketing

As more and more websites are being created every minute, it becomes quite a struggle for any webmaster to earn recognition online. As the competition gets stiffer by the second, it becomes a tremendous challenge for webmasters to pull online users from search engines to their websites. Good thing, article marketing was introduced which provided webmasters an easy way to get back links to their site and obtain organic traffic by just writing and submitting articles to various publishing sites.

1. Use your favorite online network (blogs, social networking sites, forums, etc.) and post your articles on these sites. Just make sure that your articles are relevant to the site's topic so they will be deemed useful by your target readers.

2. Submit your articles to popular article submission sites. These are the best sites where you can post your articles as they are constantly accessed by online users who are looking for specific information.

3. Post your articles on your blogs. To further distribute your articles, use them as your blog content.

4. Compile your articles to form an ebook. You can then use these ebooks as giveaway to online users who are joining your email list, to your other faithful website visitors, or to your existing clients.

5. Publish you own ezine. You can then feature your various articles on your ezine sites so you can better connect with your target market and build your online credibility all at the same time.

6. Lastly, submit your copies to leading article directories online. Most of them are free of charge and they can definitely give your articles the exposure they need so they can easily be accessed by your potential clients.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - 3 Ways To Form Lucrative Joint Ventures With Articles

If you have written tons of articles, you'd want to make the most of them by maximizing the amount of traffic and leads you get from each article. Well, did you know that you can use your articles as a joint venture tool?

Here are 3 powerful ways to form lucrative joint ventures with articles:

1. Coregistration

One way you can form a joint venture with your article is to create an arrangment with another website owner in your niche who is also using articles to drive traffic to his website. You can offer to advertise his website on yours, and he does the same! This way, the both of you get more traffic.

2. Ezine Publishing

You can offer your articles to ezine owners and give them permission to reprint your articles, on the condition that the article has a link back to your website. Most ezine owners will take up your offer on this, as they are constantly on the search for new content.

3. Product Creation

You can contact a few marketers in your niche and offer to create an information product together by combining all your best articles into one ebook or report. This ebook or report can be given away or sold (depending on the goal of the product) by all the marketers who contributed articles. This is a quick way to create products fast!

So there you have it, 3 ways to form powerful joint ventures from your articles and maximize them for the most profits for your Internet marketing business.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Article Marketing - 4 Big Steps to Advance With Article Marketing

Most webmasters are looking for ways on how they can promote their websites without spending too much but still get the kind of traffic that will bring them huge profit. Article marketing is considered one of the most effective ways in promoting your products and driving organic traffic to your website without shelling out your precious dimes. As such, it is one of the most used marketing strategies by webmasters these days.

If you are currently using this technique but still want to improve the number you are getting in terms of profit and traffic, these 4 big steps will help you advance in article marketing:

1. Write more articles. The quantity of your articles plays a major role in the success of your article marketing campaign. Simply because, each submission grants you one quality back link to your website. Thus, the number of your articles dictates the number of your backlinks.

2. Post your articles to paid submission sites. If you are willing to spend money on this technique, you can do so by joining paid submission sites. These sites allow you to put HTML codes on the body of your articles. In addition, they post your articles quicker because they put them on high priority.

3. Get article submission software. Submitting your articles manually can take a lot of time. If you want to focus on writing articles, I strongly suggest that you get article submission software that will electronically distribute your articles to over 200 submission sites in just few clicks.

4. Permit other online users and webmasters to use your articles. Provided they post your website link on their site. This can lead to massive distribution of your articles that can result to even great exposure for you and your products.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Diversified Marketing - Beating a Different Drum of Marketing Concepts

You know, there are some days when it really doesn't matter what you do, it just all comes out wrong. Today may be the closest I've come to one of those days in a long while. But all these crisis gave me an opportunity to vent my spleen about the basic issues of marketing, with an unusual twist.

1. Marketing Gurus rank high because they use keywords.

Have you ever met a marketing guru that didn't talk in keyword phrases and niche jargon? I'm not sure they exist. It's frustrating, but true. They seem to understand the words they use and the phrases that come out of their mouths, but the rest of us are sitting in the corner wondering when they'll shut up. Effective? Perhaps. Their points are made within the context of what they do, who they're talking to, and the niche they develop. Those of us sitting in the corner are not part of their market. The solution, find a different guru to listen to.

2. Links revitalize and article or kill it.

Following the rules doesn't even guarantee you'll be published. For some stupid reason there are always specific rules that when you follow them to the letter, someone disagrees with your perception. If you slip outside the narrow path of leadership, your steps are taken out of context and you probably won't have a clue why. Links are one of those issues. Links to one person may not constitute links to another. If you refer to a website, by name, that's a link. If you use the html code, that's a link, but if you refer to a website by the title of the page, that's NOT a link. Let me hit that link with one last slam of the hammer before I move on to the next paragraph!

3. Move on by that issue and find a new one.

The options are clear. You can stick with your Marketing Guru who isn't making any sense and hang onto your links, continuing to lag behind in the industry, or you can move on. Write another article, change the title, and move right into the next phase of your business existence online. Give yourself a break and step over the mud puddle. You can get where you want to go without walking through the muck of fixing the Guru, rewriting the link, or going back through the hassle. Just simply move on. If your priorities include that one event, and you can't get past it, do it. Then move forward immediately with a new project.

Jan Verhoeff offers new insightful thoughts about marketing at http://janverhoeff.com if you're looking for something new, come by and sign up for her News and Updates, FREE.

Are you ready to make your market ZING?

Post articles using these 2 FREE Article Marketing Templates from http://advertizeyourbusiness.com and you'll find it's easy to step out of the beaten path into new and adventurous prosperity online. Give it a go!

Article Marketing - 5 High Impact Steps to Make Money Through Article Marketing

Article marketing is still the best way to make money over the World Wide Web. Whether you are into affiliate marketing or selling your own products, this amazing promotional tool can drive quality traffic to your website or to your product page that can easily augment your sales potential and your revenue.

Here are the 5 high impact steps to make money through article marketing:

1. Absolute URLs or anchor texts? Which is more effective in driving readers to your website? Based on researches and various studies, people respond better to anchor texts because they are based on keywords that people can easily identify with. Use them on your resource box to increase your conversation rate.

2. Start your articles with great titles. The first element that your potential readers will see on your article is your title. You have to make a great impression on this part or your content will be ignored. You must persuade online users to check on your articles by telling them upfront what is in store for them through your titles.

3. Know your competitors. To stand out above the rest and for you to take the lead, you must understand the strategies being used by people whom you are up against. Identify their weak points and adapt their strengths to improve your marketing strategies.

4. Write more. Strive to multiply the number of your output to easily increase the number of your inbound links. Just remember not to sacrifice the quality of your articles or your marketing strategies will go down the drain.

5. Solicit feedback. If your articles are not converting the way you expected them to, ask your readers or some experts on your chosen niche for feedback and recommendations.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Writing Lots of Book Reviews for Article Marketing Results

It is a well known fact that Book Review articles on online article submission sites seem to get more traffic then you might imagine. Therefore it makes sense to write a lot of book reviews. Obviously you own lots of books, but how many book reviews have you actually written? You need to take an inventory of the books that you have already read and make some book reviews of them.

One recommendation I have is to go through your library, office and house and make a list of all the books you have. This is good too incase of a disaster. You can download a Template free from Microsoft. Go to MSN and search "Microsoft Office Templates" then search "Book Lists.

And print it in the size you wish and then start this project. Then take a yellow highlighter and mark the book reviews you wish to do first. Start a word file and put those titles and the authors at the top of the Word Files, one for each;

Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky; Book Review from You

By putting your name after it you insure that there will not be a duplicate title here. Or you can put a catchy 3-word phrase after it too.

Next please make five sentences that summarize what you most got out of the book. Space the sentences out with three spaces. Then go to the next book and do this until you are done with all those highlighted on your list.

Then put a paragraph between each of those sub-titles and an intro-paragraph about the author or a general reason why this book was important to your life, business, writing, family, career or whatever.

I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Should You Consider Article Marketing To Promote Your Online Business?

Article marketing is a really powerful and simple way to get more traffic to your websites, blog and other squidoo lenses. While it is true that content is king, this traffic generation method is very slow when you compare it to pay per click advertising for example.

The question that marketers ask is "Is this worth your time?".

My take on this is that whether or not you don't think it's worth your time, you should submit articles at least once a week. Sure, one article a week is not going to increase your traffic and profits anytime soon, but at least, you get your name out there.

This is one of the numerous advantages of writing and submitting articles. And if you have the budget, you can outsource this to a ghostwriter or virtual assistant. Plus you will get top rankings in the search engines if you add the right anchor text in your bio box. Keep in mind that article marketing is not a one time "set and forget" technique.

In fact, the more articles you write, the more effective the method. If you consider article marketing as an integral part of your overall marketing plan, you need to write at least one article a day.

Anyone really serious about his online business is involved in article marketing because of the instant credibility, instant traffic and instant sales.

Plus it is a good way to add new leads to your marketing funnel. Those leads are generally more targeted than those you can get in free giveaway events or other safelists and traffic exchanges.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/