Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Article Marketing Sercret - Article Madness

When you become an article marketer, there is one thing that you should be doing. That is writing articles! That's the big secret for every successful article marketer! You have keep writing articles!

Don't stop writing articles. Just do it. People tend to create rough drafts and brainstorms before they create an article. That is just a waste of time! As an article marketer, your greatest asset is time. So don't waste it. The more you waste it trying to figure out how to create the perfect article, the less amount of time you have to flood the market with your articles. This is how you dominate article marketing. You have to flood the market with your articles. When you do that, your traffic will skyrocket. It all starts with writing your article and not stopping.

You should make at least 30%2B articles a week in order to catch up with the expert article marketers. So don't waste your time making rough drafts. Just write an article. It doesn't matter if it's good or if it's bad. The only thing that matters is that you write. If it's a bad article, who cares! Just as long as your flooding the market it's okay! You want to be known! Whether it's bad or good.

Your articles need to unique and different. Do not copy and paste! Your readers will think of you as a spammer and he will never buy your product. You have to write your own original products if you want to succeed as an article marketer. The key to article marketing is flooding the market as fast and as much as possible.

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at http://www.marketingentity.com

4 Reasons Why You Need Testimonials to Sell More

The other day I was writing a sales brochure for a West Coast manufacturer. As I got to what Ill call the proof section of the brochure, I was rummaging around for testimonials. The company already had a full-blown Web site and a solid PowerPoint presentation. So I was hopeful that Id find some ready made testimonials or at least some material I could use to create some.

As it turned out, they had one case study with a couple of customer quotes. I pieced together the material to create one measly testimonial. It was less than adequate.

Well, maybe its no big deal. After all, I wrote strong copy. Why even bother with testimonials? Ill give you four good reasons.

1. Credibility

Testimonials give your company, product, or service credibility. Everyone is bombarded with advertising messages every day. Its a brutal marketplace. If you want to sell something to somebody, you stand a much better chance if you can convince them that youre credible. Testimonials are like references on a resume. Theyre the people who vouch for you.

2. Identification

Your prospects identify with your customers who are providing the testimonials. They have similar concerns, problems, hopes and desires. They commiserate. This is good. You want this in your marketing. (Sorry, but your prospects dont identify with you. Not really. Youre trying to sell them something!)

3. Proof

Proof, alone, is reason enough to gather and use testimonials. This is where your customers say, in effect, Theyre right, Mr. or Ms. Prospect. They can save you 50% ... or make you feel 18 again ... or make you enough money to retire at 50. They did it for me and Im thrilled! Testimonials notarize your marketing speak.

4. Closure

Testimonials help close the sale. Sure, they can be used throughout a marketing piece. But they definitely come in handy toward the end. Youve introduced the problem or need, your product or service, the features and benefits, and more. Then you line up your testimonials, all the customers whose heads are nodding and saying, Yep, it worked for me. Soon after, you ask for the order.

For many reasons, testimonials give your prospects the confidence they need to buy from you for the first time. And once your prospects turn into new customers, the door to repeat sales swings wide open.

(c) 2005 Neil Sagebiel

Neil Sagebiel is a former senior copywriter for a Seattle B2B ad agency and publisher of a monthly ezine, Headlines from Floyd.

Are You Using This Great Way To Get Your Business Noticed Online?

It has been said that the pen is mightier then the sword. If that is the case then why are you not using what could be the most powerful item to get noticed online?

When we started our website, we were not much different than anyone else out there. Our website went live and we worked to get all of our customers. One way we did this was work with other web sites that were similar in nature to ours and agreed to write articles for them.

These articles we wrote helped us build our customer base online and gave us the ability to get our expertise out there in written word on the world wide web.

Are you an expert in something? What does your company specialize in? Answer those two questions and start writing about them. To get noticed online give people what they want to read, information, and web site partners what they crave, content.

You should write about one article per week. If you have the time to write more that`s great, but once a week will do. Create partnerships with other websites that could use your content. For example, my friend runs a rental property repair business. He writes about an article a week on how to handle the small repairs, and other things of that nature. His content can be found on real estate investors, investment clubs, and landlord web sites and so on.

You get the point. After he writes his articles he then emails them to his contact and they do the rest. They post it on their website; even email it to their members in their newsletters.

Your article should be 500 to 100 words in length. Any shorter and it won`t be taken serious, any longer and no one will read it because it will be too long and take up too much space on your partner`s web site.

Your article should be informational. In other words it shouldn't be 500 words on why they should use your service or buy your product, but 500 words on what you are an expert at with some statistics if possible.

Finally, after the article is complete add an "About the Author" section where you tell people who you are and how they can get in touch with you. You can see an example of this in our own article here.

Articles published on the correct web sites will greatly improve your popularity online for your business and web site. The best part it only costs you some time.

By: Bruce A. Tucker

About the Author:
Mr. Tucker is the Associate Director of http://www.Indocquent.com, an online resource where you can advertise your business, products or services throughout the world.

To download Indocquent's FREE social network bookmarking tool visit http://www.indocquent.com/social_bookmark/social_bookmark_landingpage.html

Indocquent.com will also publish any article that you write in regards to your business on their website as well as disseminate it throughout various media outlets as a free courteous service when you register.

What Is Article Marketing And How I Got Started With This Business Model - Part 1

The very first Internet marketing technique I learned when I started online in early 2006 was article marketing. At first, I didn't really believe this would work and I didn't take action.

I bought a cheap ebook called secret affiliate weapon and I read the material. One of the pdfs was about article marketing and was called lazy traffic. I read and didn't take action like most of the people online. After a while, I got a coach and he taught us affiliate marketing. I was stuck because he was teaching us the exact same tactics and strategies I learned before.

Since we had daily assignments, I was forced to write those articles because one of the condition of this coaching program was to do the tasks in time. If you failed, you could be dropped from the program.

I submitted article manually for the first time to ezinearticles, goarticles, article city, article dashboard and a couple of other directories. I can tell you that I was typing and submitting like crazy. I didn't have money in my early beginning and I couldn't hire a ghostwriter or even use a submission software. I needed to do the work alone.

I forget to say that I was enrolled in the program by submitting articles. The entrance fee was $197 a pop, and although I had a burning desire to enroll in this mentoring course, I didn't have the money at the time.

Happily, there was an alternative option for marketers on a budget. All I had to was to submit forty articles with the mentor's resource box at the end. I was so happy! I wrote those 40 articles on the fly. It was my very first batch of articles, and I must admit that grammar and punctuation was bad. But I have no choice, I took action and submitted the articles.

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Visit http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/ now!

Targeted Article Marketing - 3 Powerful Techniques to Excel in Article Marketing

If there is one marketing tool that has been on the marketing scene for such a long time it is the article marketing. However, given this time element, only a few marketing people are able to master the craft of article marketing because of the insatiable evolution that it undertakes. It is for this reason that article marketing continues to be an effective and most sought after. Its being mystical yet dependable and reliable projects an air or credibility. However, no matter how mystical it may seem to be for other people, it continues to be strongly used and powerfully utilized. The techniques below can help you achieve excellence in article marketing:

1. Take advantage of the resource box. The resource box is where you can actually profess your reason for writing the article - to market and advertise. You can include on your resource box some important information or details regarding the company you are representing or probably anything about you as the writer - your name, your business, your contact details and so much more.

2. Take advantage of the squeeze page. The squeeze page can form part of the article material that you have. You can include a squeeze page so that you can potentially "squeeze" some vital information that you may need from your potential reader. You can use then use these pieces of acquired information to make marketing in the future.

3. You can submit your article materials into some of the well-known article publishing sites and allow for these to earn exposure and generate more and more potential readers. You can use the search engines to search for the best and well established article directories. You can also publish your articles to practically all of these article sites to make sure that you gain a wider exposure from the consuming public.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing For Better Exposure Online

Article marketing has been around for what seems like eternity, but one thing remains constant, if you write in detail about the subject matter of your website and add an active link back to your website it really works to bring in new traffic and even repeat visitors for years to come.

The use of marketing highly engaging content that people will read is nothing new in itself, but it does make up a large percentage of content that people will search for on the internet at some given time, especially if it is niche specific and targeted informational content.

Whatever your websites content, you need to be thinking in terms of how you are going to present a solution to your target audience, maybe you need to write about some problem that only affects certain types of internet surfers in specific niche markets and you need to cater for that niche and it's sub niches to provide accurate information that will be of use to them.

Tips to find problems posed by many types of internet dwellers online is in forums, people ask questions and others supply the answers and it's this high quality information you need to build your customers or firstly interested subscribers who may sign up to your free newsletter where you provide further information on the topic they first found themselves being interested in to know the experts answers ( and the expert is you!)

Do a search for Yahoo answers, this is a service were you can find questions to answer, aswell as see questions being answered by experts and people just in the know about certain subjects that people want answering as soon as possible.

Keywords play a large part in your article marketing antics as these are how your words of wisdom are found through the search engines or through the article directories you submitted to, overuse of keywords could make your results rather futile, instead make your keywords stand out but spread out within your article body and it is advised not to repeat your keyword terms in every sentence, but for instance once in every paragraph, but varying the keywords and adding variations on your chosen keywords seems almost experimental, but it is worth doing for all of your articles.

Wayne Tully an artist, writer and affiliate marketer who does many online business ventures and earns a reasonable income online as a result. http://easybusinesslinks.blogspot.com